  • Unit 11, Standalane Stewarton KA3 5BG
  • 01560 480822

Odour Dust

Odout Control & Dust Monitoring Solutions

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Odour and Dust Solutions Ltd (ODS Environmental Group) Privacy Policy – Personal Data

  1. Background

To inform you of what happens to any personal data that you give us, or we may collect about you. Applicable to all instances we may collect or be given your personal data.

Amendements to this privacy notice

Please check this privacy notice, every time you log on to www.odourdust.com as we may change information displayed from time to time, to refelect new laws, regulations and/or our practices.

  1. What personal information about you do we process?

We process your personal information in relation to our products and service offerings, these include:

  • Personal and contact details – title, name, phone number, email address, employer,job title, site
  • Records of your contact with usg. emails, phone calls, letters
  • Products and services we provide to your company
  • Your usage of our products and service any orders and order number, site contact person, site address.
  • Marketing to you and analysing data, such as all communications, information about products or services you have ordered or may order from us or our competitors, presently or in the future or products and services we think may interest you.
  • Information about your business, such as location, type of business, address, contact number
  1. Which sources do we use to gather your personal information?

We’ll collect personal information from the following sources:

  • You directly, your employers, your employesss, business partners, associates or beneficiaries of our products and/or services
  • Other sources including publically available directories
  1. What do we use your personal data for?

Personal data, will be used for:

  • Assessing and managing your enquiry
  • Quoting you based on the spec, drawings etc you provide us with
  • Accounts, Invoicing and any other Business Operations
  • Managing products or services you have with us currently
  • Updating your personal information
  • Managing any aspect of the product or service, offering
  • Management and autiditng purposes
  • Recording all communications between you and our staff
  • Direct marketing communications via multiple channels
  • Sending you specific markeitng content on products and/or services we think you may have interest in
  • Complinace with the law and regulartory bodies
  1. What is our legal basis for processing your personal information and/or sharing it with others?

The legal basis to use your personal data:

  1. When supplying you with our products or services, such as:
    1. Assessing your specifications for a product and/ or service you require
    2. Assessing and managing the products or services we supply you
    3. Negotating price, payment method, delivery, contract and terms and conditions
    4. Updating your records, in order for us to contact you and work with you
    5. Managing all processes and activities involved to help you, from enquiry to purchase or hire.
  1. When we have a legitimate and invested interest in you, such as:
    1. Managing your products and services, updating your records, staying in regular contact with you
    2. Maintaining best practice relationships
    3. Auditing our business and its operations e.g accounting
    4. Recording and monitoring our commuincations with you, your staff and/or others reprsenting your organisation
    5. Direct marketing communications via multiple channels
    6. Sharing your information to comply with governing laws and regulatory bodies
    7. Complying to guidelines set by regulartory bodies
  1. When do we share your personal information with other organisations?


  1. How and when can you withdraw your consent?

Yes you have the right to withdraw your consent for any reason at any time, without explanation, using the contact details below.

[email protected] or calling 01560480822.

  1. Is your personal information transferred outside the UK or the EEA?

No, our secure email server is based in Frace.

All other information is stored on our password protected PCs and locked cabinets in our secured office.

  1. Do we share your information with credit reference agencies?


  1. Do we share your information with Fraud Prevention Agencies?


  1. What if my personal information changes?

Phone or email us, with the updated version of your personal information.

[email protected] or 01560480822

  1. Do you have to provide your personal information to us?

To provide you with our products and services, we will require your personal information.

  1. Do we monitor the processing of your personal information?

We do not record telephone coversations, however we do keep logs and records of emails, texts messages, social media messages, minutes of meetings or any other communications between parties.

  1. How long do you keep my personal information for?
  • As long as required to meet your business needs and manage our relationship, ongoing while active business.
  • If we have not had contact for a period of 5 years then you will be deleted from our system, paper records will be destroyed after 7 years, for tax reasons.
  • As long as we provide products and/or services to you
  • Anytime required by law
  1. What rights do I have under data protection laws?
  • A right to access and request a copy of information in your personal data file
  • A right to prevent or withdraw permission for us to use your data for direct marketing
  • A right to have data corrected in the event it is incorrect
  • A right to have your data erased or destroyed in certain circumstances
  • A right to be informed about how we process your information
  • A right to copy or transfer your information
  1. What does the term marketing preferences mean?

Information such as contact details and social media channels will be used to forward you specific and targeted marketing materials. Should you wish to stop these communications please contact us, using the contact details below.

[email protected] or 01560480822

Contact Details
Odour and Dust Solutions Ltd
Unit 11 Standalane

Email: [email protected]
Contact Number: 01560 480822

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