Treatment of Legionella in spray systems with Oxyl-Pro™

What is Legionella?

Legionella is a bacteria that causes Legionnaires’ disease. A pneumonia like illness and a milder flu-like illness known as Pontiac fever. (

Is your system at risk of Legionella?

If water is stored or recirculated as part of the system or the temperature at any part is between 20 – 45 degrees Celsius. Or if sludge, rust scale or organic matter deposits exist then they will support conditions for bacterial growth.

Does your system produce water droplets? If so are they droplets dispersed? Could visitors to your site be exposed to these droplets? If the answer to any these questions is yes then your system is at risk of Legionella. (


“Under general health and safety law, duty holders including employers or those in control of premises, must take suitable precautions to prevent or control the risk to legionella.

They also need to … assess sources of risk, manage those risks, prevent or control any risks, keep records and carry out any other legal duties.” (

Preventing or controlling the risk of Legionella

In order to prevent risk any spray should be controlled. Ensuring water does not stagnate. Keep pipe lengths as short as possible. Keep water and the system clean. This can be done by flushing out the system and treating with Oxyl-Pro™.

Avoid using materials within the system that support bacterial growth. Record keeping and monitoring the system is essential.

On site Testing

Odour and Dust Solutions can provide onsite Legionella test kits. The tests give a positive or negative result in 25 minutes. This is a simple test that you can carry out and provides evidence of results for record keeping.

Treatment with Oxyl-Pro™

Oxyl-Pro™ is stabilised hydrogen peroxide. Evidence has shown that Oxyl-Pro™ eliminates micro-organisms including Legionella, without risk of resistance. Oxyl-Pro™ also offers a disinfecting property and an effective bio-film treatment.

Oxyl-Pro™ safely breaks down to water and oxygen, therefore leaves no nasty chemical residue. Oxyl-Pro™ is tasteless and odourless.

Further benefits of Oxyl-Pro™ is that it can be dosed into your system manually or automatically. It does not contain silver. Doubt has been cast over the use of silver stabilised hydrogen peroxide.