Dust control
Dust control by Odour and Dust Solutions
If your business causes dust, Odour and Dust Solutions have dust control systems that enable you to prevent problems. Whether you need to eliminate dust nuisance from quarry operations, a waste site or demolition job, our dust control solutions can help. We can prevent dust nuisance or health hazards to neighbouring residents and businesses, as well as protecting your employees on site.
The right dust suppression systems will dampen down problems, and avoid your neighbours complaining to you, or calling in the councils’ environmental health officers or the Environment Agency. Controlling dust also makes sure you are able to provide a healthy working environment for all your employees – whether staff or sub contractors. What’s more, it prevents expensive dust damage to on site equipment. Here we give you an overview of the standard and bespoke dust control systems we use – with a focus on quarry operations – that will ensure you prevent your business from causing dust nuisance. We can provide foam or fog cannons as well as products to keep the dust down wherever it arises.
Foam dust suppression
The application of foam can prevent dust from becoming airborne. In quarrying operations – where most activity gives rise to dust – this is especially important. Extraction and crushing are where most dust arises, and the addition of foam to material before crushing and during crushing will prevent particles from becoming airborne. Foam bubbles work as they are pierced when dust particles collide with them. The dust particles then become wet and too heavy to stay in the air. We manufacture and sell our own in house foam product. This is biodegradable, safe to use and has no adverse effects on the cement making process or concrete bloc production.
Fogging systems
Fogging systems provide very fine pressure sprays that will keep dust down. These are ideal for many situations – in particular quarry dust control. On quarry sites extraction, crushing grinding and transport operations can all generate potential nuisance dust. We have the knowledge to devise the system to optimise your quarry dust control. As the UK agents for Idrotech fogging systems we can supply a unit to suit your unique situation. For example, perfect for quarry dust control is the Elefante, capable of shooting billions of droplets up to 60 metres high and rotating 360o – giving all round coverage to ensure particles are kept on the ground. Other Idrotech models Rhino and Giraffe – are also available from us. All come in both low and high pressure models, and are designed to maximise water flow and droplets – ensuring efficient dust suppression. The systems are also ideal for demolition and waste management sites.
Nozzle systems
As Idrotech suppliers we can also customise a mobile or static nozzle system to fit any situation. By adding ODS Dustseal for spraying road ways and stockpiles we optimise quarry dust control on your site. Whether indoors or outside we can direct the correct amount of dust suppressing droplets, at the correct dilution to maximise dust retention and eliminate your dust problem.
Contact us for more
So, in summary, at Odour and Dust Solutions we design bespoke dust control systems to suit our customers’ situation – whether you are looking for quarry dust suppression, keeping demolition dust down or preventing dust escaping from your waste site, mobile or static, we can provide the dust suppression system that will protect the health of your employees and defend valuable plant and equipment from dust damage. To find out more about how we can help you, get in touch.